Hypnotherapy for symptom management of IBS
IBS affects 15-20% of people,
causing a range of uncomfortable and often embarrassing symptoms.
While the exact cause is unknown, stress and gastrointestinal issues are potential triggers.
Our IBS management program:
Retrains brain-gut signals to reduce symptoms
Improves rectal sensitivity
Normalises pain processing
Manages associated anxiety and stress
Provides coping strategies for symptom flare-ups
Hypnotherapy, validated by the American Gastroenterological Association,
can reduce IBS symptoms by over 70%.
The Gut Brain Connection
​The connection between the gut and brain works to maintain homeostasis (balanced function).
In IBS this connection becomes disrupted causing the wrong message to be sent. The first sign is called visceral hypersensitivity.
This means that the nerves inside the intestinal tract are too sensitive, they have become hyper alert signalling pain when they may not need to.
Secondly the miscommunication causes irregular bowel movements which increases pressure causing further pain.
This loop of miscommunication continues to increase symptoms over time causing stress and anxiety which further exacerbate the problem.
As an alternative to managing symptoms through medication and diet, hypnotherapy can help to retrain the signal from the brain to the gut.

How Hypnotherapy can help you with IBS?
How Hypnotherapy and CBT can help.
The American Gastroenterological Association validate the use of Gut Directed Hypnotherapy for patients with moderate to severe IBS, and on average can reduce symptoms by over 70%.
Gut directed hypnotherapy works with the nervous system by using suggestions that target the gut whilst the client is in a relaxed state.
Hypnotherapy has been shown to affect the speed at which waste moves through
the colon and has been shown to improve rectal sensitivity, and normalise central processing patterns of pain signals.
Alongside relieving physical symptoms hypnotherapy can help with the management of anxiety and stress caused by the daily symptoms, allowing you to trust your body and regain confidence.
Both gut directed hypnotherapy and CBT are well validated and evidence based treatments
Six sessions are typically recommended, tailored to your individual needs and symptom profile.